Poster | By Ghauvishini et. al
Antibiotic Point Prevalence Survey Hospital Sungai Buloh
PRESENTED AT | National Infection Prevention & Control 2019
Antibiotic Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) can identify the prevalence of antibiotic usage and prescribing trends of antibiotics in a facility. Non-adherence to treatment guidelines results in increased usage of broad-spectrum antibiotics but not necessarily more appropriate therapy. Therefore current PPS helps to identify the prevalence of antibiotic usage and prescribing trends of antibiotics in our facility.
Cross-sectional Point Prevalence Survey entailing a universal sampling method involving all wards.
Total of 651 inpatients involved, 282 patients were treated with antibiotics during the period of our survey. Majority of prescriptions were assessed as appropriate. Of those prescriptions deemed appropriate, 92.7% (N=115) was compliant to guideline and 89.7% (N=35) was definitive therapy. Prior to initiation of antibiotic, majority of antibiotic prescription (87%, N= 248) had documented indication.
This Point Prevalence Survey had demonstrated that majority of antibiotics prescribed in HSgB were appropriate be it for empirical or definitive therapy. Timely intervention and future audits are vital to ensure the standards of prescribing practice is always up to par.