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Antibiotic PKPD

Workshop 2018

Please be informed that the registration has now closed for the workshop. We thank you for your interest in the event.


Join us in a national level event on antibiotic optimization using pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics route titled:

"Bringing the Mojo Back to the ICU bullets Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Style"

We are bringing 2 well renown researchers  from Australia as well as local experts to discuss on optimization of common antibiotics used in ICU

The International speakers are:


Prof Jason Roberts

He is the Director of Centre of Research 

Excellent REDUCE within the 

University of Queensland Centre 

for Clinical Research and is Director of 

the Centre for Translational 

Anti-infective Pharmacodynamics in the 

School of Pharmacy 

Prof Jian Li

He is the Head of the Antimicrobial 

Systems Pharmacology Laboratory 

at the Biomedicine Discovery Institute, 

Monash University. He is also a Web of 

Science 2015 - 2017 Highly Cited 

Researcher in Pharmacology & Toxicology. 

Venue: TJ Danaraj Hall, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,

Date: 20th September 2018,

Time: 0745 till 1645 H.

CPD point that will be awarded: 8

Antibiotic Masterclass 2018-   

Please be informed that the registration has now closed for the workshop. We thank you for your interest in the event.


THEME: Back To Basics of Antibiotics


The Basics of Diagnosing Infection
Interpret ing Cul ture Resul ts
Principles of Ant ibiot ic Use
Antibiotic Allergies
Optimising Antibiotics in ICU
How to use Polymyxins
Catheter Dilemmas


Dr. Ong HC & Dr. Bushra
Dr. Benedict Sim

Dr. Helmi Sulaiman

Dr. Petrick Periyasamy
Prof. Jason Roberts
Prof. Jian Li

Prof. James Koh

Venue: TJ Danaraj Hall, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,

Date: 22nd September 2018,

Time: 0815 till 1600 H.

For enquiries: please contact

CPD point that will be awarded: 6

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